- 成功、奢华、投资、抄袭。这四个词定义了营销技巧的第二季。卡琳、卢娜和玛嘉莉三人运用的营销技巧非常有效,她们的品牌也成为了业界的标杆。但是蓝海的挑战就在眼前。三人将携手应对剽窃,革新伎巧。
11卡琳,卢娜和玛嘉莉,三个美丽又聪明的女人。她们相互合作,决定革新她们的职业。职业生涯的前景并不明朗,于是他们有了一个想法:既然世间任何产品的背后都有着营销手段,那为何不把这些技巧应用到世上最古老的的行业中?虽然身为应召女郎,但三人已经准备好成为商界巾帼。- In this new season, 30-year-old Anita needs to go back to 15 to try to fix her sister's life. However, Joel hacked into her Floguinho account and also
1Ubaldo receives an inheritance that will change his destiny for good. In the heart of the northwest desert, he'll become the leader of a pack of ruthl- Chef Jack and his assistant Leonard will travel through the Culinary Islands to participate in the biggest gastronomic competition in the world and, t
- Follows Anita's self-discovery and maturity journey. At 15, the young played by Maisa, had a great expectation of adult life: leave the tiny tow
3《死亡片场(巴西版)》共十集,讲述了僵尸末日,是恐怖、幽默和流行文化的集大成者:在《Olimpo》真人秀的淘汰之夜,参与者和制作人遭囚禁。同时在里约热内卢,混乱和绝望开始统治一切,工作室成为人们的避难所。- Inthisnewseason,30-year-oldAnitaneedstogobackto15totrytofixhersister’slife.However,JoelhackedintoherFloguinhoaccountandalsobecameatimetraveler.Sonowwh
- 为了解开一个谜团,年轻女子搬进豪华的公寓社区,并结识了这里古怪而又可疑的居民。