- When the clever but socially-awkward Tetê joins a new school, she'll do anything to fit in. But the queen bee among her classmates has other ideas.
- In this new season, 30-year-old Anita needs to go back to 15 to try to fix her sister's life. However, Joel hacked into her Floguinho account and also
- 一名不受重用的警察追查利用约会网站犯罪的加害人,却发现一对夫妇的骇人秘密,以及背后错综复杂的阴谋。
- Follows Anita's self-discovery and maturity journey. At 15, the young played by Maisa, had a great expectation of adult life: leave the tiny tow
- 一段沐浴在西西里阳光下的夏日恋情很快变为一段心碎的爱情故事,并迫使少年和少女迅速长大
- Inthisnewseason,30-year-oldAnitaneedstogobackto15totrytofixhersister’slife.However,JoelhackedintoherFloguinhoaccountandalsobecameatimetraveler.Sonowwh