- When the clever but socially-awkward Tetê joins a new school, she'll do anything to fit in. But the queen bee among her classmates has other ideas.
16母亲突然去世后,现年15岁的苏格拉底(Socrates)生活在圣保罗(SãoPaulo)沿海边缘,必须在独自度过难关的同时生存下来。- In this new season, 30-year-old Anita needs to go back to 15 to try to fix her sister's life. However, Joel hacked into her Floguinho account and also
- 一名胆小的前足球运动员发现小舅子是企图统治世界的吸血鬼,他必须鼓起勇气,化解危机。
250安德烈独自生活在一个森林地区。当他发现一个神秘的年轻人科洛特在他适当的时候睡着了,他的生活就改变了。科奥特取笑安德烈的欲望,迫使他放弃生活中已经被侵蚀的价值观。 安德烈是一个身无分文的人,住在一片森林里。自然的力量拥抱着他的身体,因为他淹没在他沸腾的内心世界里。在失眠和梦境之间,安德烈总是被自2050
1A family man struggling to hold it all together discovers a hidden parlor that offers a solution...sexbots.- Follows Anita's self-discovery and maturity journey. At 15, the young played by Maisa, had a great expectation of adult life: leave the tiny tow
- Inthisnewseason,30-year-oldAnitaneedstogobackto15totrytofixhersister’slife.However,JoelhackedintoherFloguinhoaccountandalsobecameatimetraveler.Sonowwh
- 巴西导演Luiz Fernando Carvalho的故事片处女作,171分钟的长片。情节和主题意味深重:通过一个离家出走的年轻男孩子,讲述了巴西乡间,一个虔诚的基督教家庭的悲剧。这家庭,太充满爱意,太圣洁,太有序、太美好了,连镜头都沉于安稳之中,流动于井然安详的条理,静穆在神圣的威严之下。而那欲望