1A portrait of the myth of maternity around the story of Pepa and her daughter, who are asked out of their home and forced to wander for a place to liv- 据说在1928年,匈牙利导演贝拉·奥特(艾利·罗素 Eli Roth 饰)曾根据一起发生在罗马尼亚的真实事件拍摄过一部恐怖片。但是在拍摄过程中不断出现离奇诡异的事件,奥特最终失踪,影片也从未完成,更没有人看过其中哪怕很少的一部分。好莱坞导演玛库斯·里德(Reshad Strik 饰)多年来不断做着同
- 一部设定在一间旅馆客房里的诗选剧,讲述形形色色房客在其中展现的一系列独特境遇和怪癖。
- A Cuban immigrant struggles with their transgender identity while searching for their missing sister in New York City's underground sex industry.
- FromM.NightShyamalan,ServantfollowsaPhiladelphiacoupleinmourningafteranunspeakabletragedycreatesariftintheirmarriageandopensthedoorforamysteriousforce
- A portrait of the myth of maternity around the story of Pepa and her daughter, who are asked out of their home and forced to wander for a place to l
- From M. Night Shyamalan, Servant follows a Philadelphia couple in mourning after an unspeakable tragedy creates a rift in their marriage and opens the
- 约翰尼·诺克斯维尔饰演的男主角有个八岁的孙子,祖孙俩将开始一段横跨美国的旅程,一路上他们偷东西撞路牌婚礼葬礼四处搅局蠢事不断。
- 改编自同名小说与真实故事,萨波最好的朋友自杀了,16岁的他,开始在部落格写下日记,描述他的青春期生活、性启蒙与双性恋身分。看似普通少年的人生,在一场场的舞会与音乐派对中,流泻自我探索与身分质疑,让人感同身受,原来每个男孩都有一段忧郁迷人的「我的青春」。