1When Chelsea meets up with her estranged childhood best friend, Milla, she's unprepared for the events that follow. Milla, who is now a webcam girl br- AwealthyMexicanfamilydecidestobuildawallaroundtheirranchtostoptownspeoplefromstealingtheirwellwater.
1A woman goes to the countryside to spend a quiet weekend after losing her job and having her last complicated relationship implode. She rents a countr世代
1HBO Max项目《世代 Generation》由父女档Zelda与Daniel Barnz,以及Lena Dunham联手开发,这部前两者执笔的半小时黑色喜剧,讲述一群高中生在保守的社区里探索自己的性欲。本剧原本是HBO的项目,题材类似《迷醉 Euphoria》。 剧组主演有Martha P- 由《搶救雷恩大兵》男星愛德華伯恩斯自編自導,設定於 1980 年代,描述一群剛畢業的大學生在曼哈頓追夢之際,仍然不忘自己來自長島故鄉,懷抱著自工薪階級家庭成長所堅持的信念。
1一群女大学生去新奥尔良参加狂欢节,其中一人喝醉,跟一个英俊陌生人走了。她们随后发现,她遭遇了一个深陷巫毒诅咒、疯狂诡异的猎杀家庭,与1800年代搬来此地的法国布丹家族有关。- 1.Life and Death:Officer Nolan and the entire team race against the clock to locate Lopez after she is kidnapped on her wedding day, not only to save
- genera+ion follows a group of high school students whose exploration of modern sexuality (devices and all) tests deeply entrenched beliefs about lif