- The seemingly picturesque life of an ex-musician musician turns upside down when the woman who caused him to quit music moves in down the street.
- 影片讲述了前CIA成员因为手握重要情报,遭到了各方势力的追杀的故事。
1一个酗酒的二逼必须跟另一帮沙漠里面脑子有病的残忍土老帽儿玩儿被猎杀的游戏,你觉着他能坚持到最后么五名酗酒者,成为贝德福德平原狩猎小镇的狩猎对象,而沃伦则是佼佼者,他们与镇民展开了输死搏斗,面对全副武装的镇民,他们能否逃出升天?得知前女友在墨西哥過世而且留下他們的女兒,酒鬼沃倫決定當個好父親,開始戒酒- Elliot, Boog and all of the beloved woodland creatures are back in a brand new comedy adventure.
- Elliot, Boog and all of the beloved woodland creatures are back in a brand new comedy adventure.