- When the beloved founder of a run-down theater camp in upstate New York falls into a coma, the eccentric staff must band together with the founder's c
- SUPACELL is about a group of five ordinary people who unexpectedly develop superpowers. They have little in common except for one thing: they
8杰西卡·阿尔芭将主演Netflix动作惊悚新片[触发警报](Trigger Warning,暂译)。本片由莫莉·苏亚([玛琳娜的杀戮四段式])执导,乔什·奥尔森([暴力史])、约翰·布兰卡托([终结者2018])撰写剧本,故事讲述一名心理受创伤的老兵(阿尔芭饰)继承了祖父的酒吧,在得知祖父英年早逝背- 千禧年前夕,笨拙的 12 岁孤女贝芙莉·穆迪(杰玛·布鲁克·艾伦饰)发现了一盘破损的混音带,这是她的父母在年轻时制作的。将贝芙莉抚养长大的祖母盖尔(朱丽·鲍温饰)曾经也是一位少女妈妈,并经历了丧女之痛,她不愿多谈这段伤心往事。贝芙莉则想趁此机会多了解自己的父母。于是她踏上了旅程,开始寻找磁带中收录的
- 13岁男孩帕布罗的父亲去世了,在村庄外的路上,他遇到了一个奇特的陌生人帕科,帕科的车坏了。帕布罗一开始对帕科有戒备,但在感觉帕科很能理解自己后,帕布罗逐渐地将帕科视为父亲一样。然而,帕科来到这个偏僻的小村却有着不为人知的目的……
- 博世开始了他职业生涯的下一个篇章,发现自己与他曾经的敌人哈尼·钱德勒(Honey Chandler)共事。
1Following a horrific accident, a woman voluntarily becomes a test subject to an artificial intelligence designed to rehabilitate her. In a world depen- The screenplay tells the story of the toxic relationship between two strong, independent women who are aware that they are alone in the world: Beatriz