1A tour-de-force performance by Gail Maurice (Bones of Crows, TIFF ’22) sees her inhabit the role of Aberdeen, a woman who must rise above hardships to- AMexican-Americancoupleexpectingtheirfirstchildrelocatetoamigrantfarmingcommunityin1970’sCalifornia.Whenthewifebeginstoexperiencestrangesymptomsandter
1Cassidy是个业余演员,总是梦想着有朝一日能成名。为此她不放过任何一次试镜机会。因着急筹钱去好莱坞发展,她决定去母亲男友开的钻石店当跑腿。但慢慢地她发现这样等下去不知道要等到什么时候才能去好莱坞了,她决定跟钻石老板的儿子筹划一起抢劫案,把钻石据为己有,而让自己的前男友充当替罪羊。但看似完美的- A lonely widower battles his family, ill health and time to win a competition for a golden ticket to space.
- Lodge想要的就是他的游戏团队能够完成冒险游戏,不幸的是,他们对勾引酒吧的女郎、调戏敌人、随机焚烧村民更感兴趣。迫于控制他的玩家们,Lodge引入了两个新手到这个他不信任的团队里,一个是非玩家控制的角色,另一个是最稀有的玩家——女孩子。那这个团队到底能否鄙弃彼此的斗嘴去拯救王国帝国远征,或者是邪恶
1What many are saying is the most disturbing film of 2018, Watch if you Dare revolves around a series of horrifying incidents. If you press play, look毒魔复仇1984
11讲述一个弱智的小伙子,他是健身中心的拖把清洁工,某天,他被玩弄,成了大众群体中的取乐笑柄,他不小心从楼上的玻璃窗摔了下来,意外地跌入了某种化学工业用途的废水里,身体受到了严重辐射创伤,基因突变~ 成了半兽怪人,他决定要复仇,向社会恶势力宣战…- A lonely widower battles his family, ill health and time to win a competition for a golden ticket to space.
1A developmentally delayed 40 year old man named Shonzi is sent to live with his brother Todd. But when Shonzi develops a crush on Todd's new gir