1In a decaying America, 20 years after an apocalyptic event, Pike leads Ruby, Slim, Scar, and Boots through the wasteland towards the town of Jawbone- FollowsRajPatel,whoisanexpertatmathbutisalsosecretlyobsessedwithhislatefather’sdreamofbecomingarapmusician,andhealmostloseseverythinginhisattempttoach
1妳即將入住的飯店.一群暴龍就在等妳 狩獵開始!而你是獵物… 為了賺取大筆獎金,她須賭上性命! 錫耶納渴望在一次秘密遊戲節目中贏得大筆現金獎勵,但是為了有錢人的餘興節目,恐龍開始追捕她,她可以成為在恐怖之夜中倖存下來的最後一位獲獎者嗎?神秘岛
4During the US Civil War, Union POWs escape in a balloon and end up stranded on a South Pacific island, inhabited by giant plants and animals. They mus- Thirteen year-old Holly Hobbie lives with her family in Collinsville, a picture perfect North American small town with main-street values. Each epis