- In the most luxurious area on the Spanish sunny coast, Swedish real estate brokers earn millions by selling stunning homes to the rich and famous. The
- The story about 2 cops who get tangeled with the biggest mafia group in Istanbul with questionable loyalty and forbbiden love in between.
- 安德(Ender)与塞丁(Cetin)两位年近四十的中年人是从小一起长大的好友。在分别多年之后,塞丁回到安卡拉,与安德重逢的同时也想起他们孩童时的梦想,于是这两位好友住到了一起。安德与塞丁的好友费克雷(Fikret)一直住在国外,这次回土耳其度假却突遭横祸,他的父母都在车祸中死去。费克雷将自己的妹妹