1Peggy, a former addict, who decides to make a new start after the death of her beloved mother with whom she lived in the small desert town of Yucca Va- Peggy, a former addict, who decides to make a new start after the death of her beloved mother with whom she lived in the small desert town of Yucca
- ABC拿下Michael Colton及John Aboud合作编写的家庭喜剧项目《家庭经济学 Home Economics》,这喜剧灵感来自Michael Colton的家庭,以三个兄弟姐妹的竞争来表达出「金钱」的主题,剧中三人一个是1\\%里的富人﹑一个是中产家庭,一个则算是一贫如洗。
1Alexi Hawley执笔﹑Liz Friedlander导演的ABC警察剧《菜鸟老警 The Rookie》过去被直接预订成剧