48Emi 是一个雄心勃勃的年轻女孩,多年来一直梦想着一个大世界。 一有机会,她就会毫不犹豫地跳入其中,成为专属的护送者。 很快,应阿拉伯酋长的邀请,她开始招募波兰小姐、名人、银幕明星和模特。 然而,这个人迹罕至、奢华的世界很快就会展现出它的神秘...- Afterafailedrobbery,agangof3noblethieves:Zuza,KingaandAlicjahidesinaquietnursinghome.Whilethepoliceareontheirheels,thegangcontinuestheiractivitiesatth
- After a failed robbery, a gang of 3 noble thieves: Zuza, Kinga and Alicja hides in a quiet nursing home. While the police are on their heels, the ga
1In 1961, Stanislaw Rozewicz created the novella film "Birth Certificate" in cooperation with his brother, Taduesz Rozewicz as screenwriter