1A former Marine and his old war buddy face off against the Mexican cartel behind the disappearance of his daughter.锡瓦斯
111岁的Aslan救了一条叫做Sivas的牧羊犬,Sivas之前因为输掉了一场惨烈的比赛而被抛弃。Aslan利用Sivas来使得自己更受同学们欢迎,当然其中包括自己喜欢的女生,甚至他还举行了一场业余的斗狗比赛...- MP Cunningham and Jeremy Jackson’s new scripted comedy Agua Donkeys has landed at Quibi and will be released this spring. Inspired by the short film
1Bekir, dreams of going to the moon by his bicycle just like the kid he saw on TV in the Turkish E.T. movie, 'Badi' film trailer. Rabia and h- 16岁的安德雷性格别扭,对充满魅力却态度冰冷的同学罗梦娜迷恋不已,直到他于度假时遇见美丽的饭店员工安娜梦娜,一切才出现变化
1影片讲述的是一位手术失败的爸爸临死前的幻想。一个半小时的细述,讲的是父亲和女儿在一场旅途中的找寻! 千万不要被电影的名字误导。这可不是户外亲子真人秀电影版。呜~觉得电影里的音乐好美~- In this modern creature feature, a scary internet meme called "Grimcutty" stirs up panic amongst all the parents in town, convinced it's