1Marta may be an orphan, and she may be affected by a lethal illness, yet she is the most positive person one can meet. She wants a boy to fall for her会飞的驴
1Maurizio is a stubborn boy who grows up near the fiumara, where people throw away whatever they no longer need. This open-air dump becomes his playg别动酷刑
1本片标志着导演卢西奥·弗尔兹(Lucio Fulci)代表作的出现。几名男孩在意大利南部一个乡下小镇被杀害,发疯的吉普赛女人和变态的年轻女子都很可疑,嫌疑犯日益增多直至整个小镇面临着自我毁灭,这一切正是误人的宗教与迷信所致。片中骇人的暴力场景在于,当村里几名男村民要吉普赛女人为他们的孩子负责,决