- A woman vanishes. Two men take to the road in search of her: they both love her. Why did she leave? Each one of them has his own suspicions, and hides
- 一个女人消失了,她的男朋友一直在找他。为此,他去了她工作的地方,以及很多数不清的地方。他能找到她吗?
1TheseriescentersonJulioLopez,apunk-assbitchwithaheartofgoldwhogoesoutofhiswaytohelpeveryonebuthimself.Inspiredbythelifeandstand-upcomedyofstar,co-crea- 影片以阿根廷历史上著名的“五月广场母亲”事件为背景,讲述里卡多·达林扮演的主角率领律师团队大胆挑战军事独裁政权,帮助在军政府残酷统治下被迫害的人们终于寻回正义的故事。
- The series centers on Julio Lopez, a punk-ass bitch with a heart of gold who goes out of his way to help everyone but himself. Inspired by the life