- Season 3 follows the fortunes of a young U-boat crew as they engage in the Battle of the Atlantic, are hunted down by an obsessed Royal Navy Commander
6四个青年犯和他们的劳教负责人在周末时,去到Yorkshire 约克郡外的一个偏远地方Mortlake莫特莱克小镇进行社区服务。一直以来这个小镇都以保持着他们本身所独有的近亲交配而引以为傲。镇上的居民都是一些很怪异的人,青年犯们因为一件微不足道的小事与这群近亲交配的村民产生了冲突并且迅速升级成为流血事路上人生
1A mockumentary catching up with David Brent 15 years after his redundancy from Wernham Hogg.- Marley Morrison’s knockout debut feature is a sharply observed coming-of-age story that will make you wince and laugh in painful recognition of univ
- 该剧根据德国同名喜剧改编,讲述主角Paul ‘Wicky’ Wickstead 会在警方完成调查工作后清理现场。当他解决了令人毛骨耸然的现场后,善于交际的他与受害人的亲戚、雇主、邻居、熟人甚至凶手本人有所交集,所以对主角来说,这工作有时是听八卦多于清理。