1Hannes is an old man who has grown apart from his children. Recently retired when his wife gets ill he tries to reconcile with them and to atone for h乡下
1英嘉(Arndís Hrönn Egilsdóttir 饰)和瑞尼尔是结婚多年的夫妇,两人生活在偏远宁静的小镇上,靠着经营农场维生。虽然每天都在非常努力的工作,但是夫妻两人的所得依然无法支持他们的生活,只因为小镇上的艾普斯菲德合作社将农产品的销售渠道给垄断了。 一天,瑞尼尔在一场可怕的车祸中不- 一座冰下火山爆發。一年過後,融冰釋放出史前時期的神秘元素,引發了無法意料的後果。
- Hannes is an old man who has grown apart from his children. Recently retired when his wife gets ill he tries to reconcile with them and to atone for h