1乔恩(杰昆·菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix 饰)和艾琳娜(克莱尔·丹妮斯 Claire Danes 饰)的婚姻离终点线只差一纸离婚协议了。此刻的乔恩正在机场贵宾休息室里静静等待,等待着日理万机的艾琳娜现身,两人共同完成这场离婚。可是,乔恩最终没能够等到艾琳娜,却等来了乔治(Harry Di- Superjail! is an American animated television series produced by Augenblick Studios the first season and Titmouse, Inc. the second and third season. T
- In a surreal world, a large maximum security prison, which houses thousands of dangerous inmates is run by an eccentric warden and his equally odd sta
- 颂克拉姆和埃都是工科学生,住在大学宿舍。颂克拉姆是宿舍3的学长,宿舍3是“强壮且有运动能力”的男学生被分类的地方。埃是2号宿舍的学长,2号宿舍住的都是“好看”的男同学。
1英国男孩比利•卡士柏(DavidBradley饰)生活在一个破碎的工人阶级家庭里,父亲离家出走,除母亲和哥哥外,比利也要打工贴补家用。在学校里比利捣蛋或者逃课看漫画书,从中找寻这个年龄应有的快乐。某天他在农场高墙上发现一个鹰巢,于是从书店偷回训练猎鹰的教材,按照书本所写养了一只名为凯斯的小鹰……本片- Two radically opposed women quickly divide an Indigenous community into two sides who must then come face to face to determine the best path to inde
1Benoit, the new kid at school, is bullied by a gang of arrogant boys. Determined not to be pushed around, Benoit organizes a big party, but only thr