1Philippe是南法一所消防营的头儿。夏季炎热炙烤,无论天灾还是人祸,火灾隐患四伏,时有爆发可能。军士长Benedicte来到消防营,与40多岁的老手Xavier同级。营外随时可能有火情危机,营内氛围也紧张起来。影片聚焦这些平凡英雄的生活:冲在火情第一线,也在生活的第一线上。 这是Pierre J- Ever the stand-up party animal, comic Bert Kreischer riffs on parenting and family life, being a gun and pet owner, his dad discovering pot, and more.
- Ever the stand-up party animal, comic Bert Kreischer riffs on parenting and family life, being a gun and pet owner, his dad discovering pot, and more.
- Terminally ill Janette wants to die with dignity, but it’s not possible in the UK, where she lives. She therefore decides for assisted suicide. She
- 1978年的某个寒冷秋夜,迷路的希罗顿走进了一个偏僻的农场。农场主夫妇热情地招待了这位不速之客,宾主一起喝酒聊天,谈得十分投机。不料人心的贪欲引发了血的悲剧……四年后的冬天,姆尔兹警官负责调查这起凶杀案,他和重要证人希罗顿一起前往现场检证。敷衍了事的调查、嫌疑人的回想……在一片混沌之中,惊人的真相渐