- Two narrators, one seen and one unseen, discuss possible connections between a series of paintings. The on-screen narrator walks through three-dimen
- 故事讲述一名海军陆战队军官在服役期间受到心理创伤,她回国寻找机会治疗。她在纽约的一座历史悠久、迷宫一样的公寓大楼当看门人,发现雇佣兵们有意摧毁一切,以便寻找公寓中的珍宝。
- Thecastreunitetolookbackoveradecadeofsuchfun,friendship,romanceandeverythingthatmademillionsoffansconnectwiththisuniqueandveryspecialsitcom.
- Three talented teens enter a local competition to be the next big Girl Band, thwarted at every turn, by bad luck, bad timing, bad neighbors and bad
- 这位评论员回到了以节日为主题的特别节目,通过探索异教的冬季节日和耶稣诞生的故事,以她自己独特的方式来研究圣诞节的真正含义。
1米盖尔(Algenis Perez Soto 饰)从小就希望成为一名棒球投手,十六岁那年,他正式走上了职业的道路,并用天赋和努力证明了自己的实力。三年过去,十九岁的米盖尔被球探相中,跟随很多和他一样初出茅庐的运动员一起前往亚利桑那州参加集训,一个新的世界就此在他眼前展开。- Porn has gone mainstream; the question is, can we handle it? This exploration of the intersection of sex and technology is told through the stories of
1曾以《打尸噎》、《防腐搞作》引起热议的匈牙利名导乔治帕尔菲新作,改编自波兰科幻小说作家史坦尼斯劳莱姆的同名作品。以铁幕历史为背景,讲述了冷战时期的军武竞争。一名匈牙利男子偶然看到一套纪录片,从中见到抛家弃子消失多年父亲的身影。带着旧照片和影像,他远赴美国寻找父亲。本该温馨的团圆,却越来越不对劲。- The cast reunite to look back over a decade of such fun, friendship, romance and everything that made millions of fans connect with this unique and ve