- True Horror is a factual supernatural documentary series, made by October Films, for Discovery Europe. Topics will include vampires, de mons, witche
- 神秘组织强迫小伙去偷里奥的笔记本,小伙化名托马索进到画坊拿到了笔记,可他临时改变主意不想出卖里奥。笔记本被彪形大汉抢走,里奥与好友前去调查时,托马索暴露女孩身份。托马索说出自己叫丽萨,为了学画画才来到佛罗伦萨,里奥与好友洛伦佐、迈克答应为丽萨保密身份。洛伦佐告诉父亲皮埃罗城里有奇怪组织,殊不知他
1孪生兄弟龙尼·克雷和雷吉·克雷出生后由意志坚强的母亲维奥莱特和两个姨妈抚养成人,两兄弟从小生活在女人堆里,对妇女产生了敬畏的感情。50年代,已长大成人的克雷兄弟变得冷酷无情了,喜欢暴力。克雷兄弟在伦敦接收了一个行将倒闭的弹子房,改造成一家夜总会。雷吉看上了青年姑娘弗朗西丝便和她结了婚。这引起了龙- The epic adventures of the legendary Baran the Bandit following his release from prison. After serving 35 years, it is no surprise that the world ha
- In search of the anonymous faces of the people freed from Nazi camps, who debarked in Malmö, Sweden, on April 28 1945.