- A man finds a ghost sitting in a chair that never moves, and opens up a ghost tourism business for the wealthy. But terrifying occurrences haunt the
- 故事发生在90年代的纽约,结束研究生学业后,梦想成为作家的乔安娜(玛格丽特·奎利饰)被玛格丽特(西格妮·韦弗饰)雇佣为助手,后者是J·D·塞林格(J.D.Salinger)的文学经纪人,以保守和老派著称。乔安娜白天在一间豪华的木镶板办公室里工作,晚上和她信仰社会主义的男友在布鲁克林一间破旧的公寓里过
1When Dylan Wilson purchases a collection of seven paintings to hang in his wealthy estate, he has no idea what horrors he has unleashed for himself,错乱人生
1在《权力的游戏》第六季中死亡后,乔弗里国王的饰演者杰克·格里森已经好久没有演戏。现在他终于决定回归荧屏,出演BBC喜剧剧集Out of Her Mind。这部剧集将颠覆传统情景喜剧的形式,加入古怪的角色,并包含动画元素和科学元素。- 2020年,老牌真人秀《幸存者》迎来第40季的播出。CBS特邀20位前冠军参加本季比赛以庆祝这一盛事。除了参赛阵容空前强大之外,本季的冠军奖金也将翻倍至200万美元。
- Twenty years after the disappearance of her daughter, a recovering alcoholic is preparing to host her family's Christmas celebration when her estrange
1All those years, all those dreams, all those men... one of them is going to be a star. 故事梗概: 俄国沙皇统治时期的美国,虽然有皇家哥萨克卫队维持着国家秩序,但行同虚设的维持在俄军残酷的杀戮面前显得力不从- 一个独特的,亲密的和诚实的描绘一个女孩悲伤的失去她最好的朋友。这恰好发生在我们所知道的世界末日的那一天。 由黑暗中几个人莫名其妙的对话开始,讲述了女主人公在自己的朋友死去后,无意中发现了朋友生前录制好的录音带,追寻着提示,一步步拯救了世界的故事。但是,真正的灾难却才刚刚开始……
- A look at the life and career of Chelsea Manning, a trans woman soldier in the United States Army, who was sentenced to serve 35 years at an all-male