- When Pete and Omar lose their beloved Gran they go in search of Omar's estranged father, confronting him on the day of his daughters engagement
- 29 year-old Barnaby is jobless, broke, his girlfriend left him and he's living out of his car. Luckily for him, fate intervenes and he is reacquainted
- 一个新郎不小心在牙买加的一个swingers度假胜地预定了他的目的地婚礼和蜜月。
1米歇尔人到中年,是一位风韵犹存的单身母亲,面对工作压力和女儿的升学问题,米歇尔虽有床伴,但两性生活一直不尽人意。有一次和女儿在餐厅吃饭,偶然结识一位陌生男子瑞恩,在他的带领下,米歇尔不如意的性生活得到满足并借由SM逐步打开性幻想。直到有一天米歇尔回家,意外发现瑞恩和她女儿进行SM、在床上缠绵……- 在人类灭绝、地球处于后世界末日状态的世界里,工人机为了生存并打败“杀手无人机”之类的流氓机器人而不断努力。 In a world where humanity is extinct and Earth is in a post apocalyptic state, worker drones
1On the same day Abbey is diagnosed with ovarian cancer, she and her girlfriend, Miranda, are invited to dinner by Miranda's former self-help group t- 讲述澳大利亚女子足球队激励人心的幕后故事,看她们为世界杯的付出。