- Based on the book by the same name, the film tells the inspiring story of a 12-year-old boy, who, separated from his family by a fast moving storm,
- 先来看看这个片的片名——“The 41 Year Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It”(这个让莎拉·马歇尔怀孕、并且感觉“超级坏”的41岁老处男,这么翻译起来真拗口啊),神奇的不是哪位阿帕图的粉丝
- 本剧为北爱题材,讲述了一辆从斯特兰福特湾中捞起的车中发现了疑似为自杀遗言的纸条,北爱尔兰警探Tom Brannick将其与一桩臭名昭著的悬案联系了起来,而他和这起旧案有诸多关联。这个发现引发了对一名传奇杀手坚持不懈的追捕。
- Based on the book by the same name, the film tells the inspiring story of a 12-year-old boy, who, separated from his family by a fast moving storm, mu
- 一个四世同堂的家族在平安夜齐聚祖屋,这可能是他们最后一次在这里过圣诞。随着夜色渐深,几代人的紧张关系愈发剑拔弩张。 影片曾入围2024年戛纳导演双周。
- AMexican-Americancoupleexpectingtheirfirstchildrelocatetoamigrantfarmingcommunityin1970’sCalifornia.Whenthewifebeginstoexperiencestrangesymptomsandter