- BAU针对神秘金星的调查仍在继续中。在阴谋逐渐被解密的过程中,连环杀手Elias通过谈判达成协议,把自己转移回了BAU后院的联邦拘留所,BAU因此遇到了意想不到的复杂情况。这支团队面临着迄今为止最大的威胁,并且无法从令人匪夷所思的后果中全身而退。
- FX日前宣布续订黑帮剧《玛雅帮》(Mayans MC)第二季,显然这家有线电视网对该剧当前的收视成绩非常认可。《玛雅帮》第二季预计于2019年回归.
- Mayans M.C. follows the life of Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes, president of the Mayans M.C. charter on the Cali/Mexi border. EZ has now risen to lead his broth
- FX知名剧集《混乱之子》的衍生剧、以在加州和墨西哥边境活动的墨西哥帮派为主角的《玛雅帮》(Mayans MC)找到主演:著名拉美裔演员Edward James Olmos(新《太空堡垒卡拉迪加》《神盾局特工》《嗜血法医》)将饰演玛雅帮大家长Felipe Reyes,曾经强大的首领已不堪重负,既要
1An adventure of the soul. JOSEPH is a young, painfully shy writer in the waterlands of South Carolina. After robbing a rural juke joint with two lower县界
1影片根据导演布莱克周遭的真实故事改编,此前曾改编为一部同名短片。影片描绘曼德薇饰演的年轻母亲,努力拯救她14岁的儿子,使其脱离全国性的毒品销售企业。迪金森则饰演一个专门利用脆弱少年,并将他们带到英国县界的帮派招募人员。- 王牌•威龙(金•凯瑞 饰)是一位专与动物打交道的宠物侦探,以帮人寻找丢失的宠物为生。在橄榄球大赛即将来临时,迈阿密海豚队的吉祥物——海豚“雪花”遭到了绑架。这无疑会大大影响到队员们的士气。无奈之下,球队经济人麦提莎小姐找来了王牌•威龙以找回失去的海豚。
515Edward is busy trying to unlock the secrets of reading and recording people's thoughts. He is very involved with his work leaving little room for girl- Mayans M.C. follows the life of Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes, president of the Mayans M.C. charter on the Cali/Mexi border. EZ has now risen to lead his brother