1安德烈斯是一名在马德里工作的音乐老师,他不得不搬到巴斯克镇,在一所高中担任代课老师。他已经 40 多岁了,但一直没有克服舞台恐惧,他觉得新生活正在使他远离成为音乐家的梦想。当他到达那里时,在上学的第一天,他因为耳鸣而晕倒了:这是癌症。为了接受治疗,他必须乘坐“生命巴士”前往毕尔巴鄂的医院,这是一- The fisherman Peroá and his assistant Cavalo Cansado are fishing in a boat but they do not find any school of peroá (a Brazilian fish from Espírito
1On a journey that spans the formative years of their lives, two sisters navigate their loving but volatile father during their yearly summer visits- 1815年,在马赛的城墙之内,埃德蒙·唐泰斯因一项他未曾犯下的罪行而被囚禁在坚固的伊夫堡监狱中。经历了十四年的监禁,他最终精心策划了逃脱,并开始了一场精心设计的复仇之旅。唐泰斯化身为多个身份,其中之一是“基督山伯爵”,他首先接近那些如今身居高位的敌人,以便更好地将他们击倒。但复仇的代价对灵魂来说
1Enea, Aeneas, pursues the myth that his name bears. He does it to feel alive in a dead and decadent age. He does it in the company of Valentino, a n盗命兄弟
4一對受過醫學訓練的兄弟,平日專門冒充醫護人員,開著救護車載走傷患,再迷昏他們活摘器官,把搶手的肝腎、心臟等賣往黑市,剩餘的屍體則肢解丟棄。某天,兩兄弟一如往常帶回一名女子,負責主刀的哥哥卻不知怎麼地忽然心軟,破天荒讓她在手術台上活了下來,但這個決定,也將為兩兄弟的深厚情感,帶來極大的考驗…- Dominique, a well-trained assassin, flees from her troubled past in an attempt to begin a new life in South America. However, she soon finds herself i
- The story about Swedish ambassador in Chile - Harald Edelstam - and his heroic actions to protect the innocent people from the execution during and
- TV series follows the robbery of Colombia's central bank in October 1994 when a thieves made off with $33million.