- The BBC will air Return to Paradise, a new Australia-set spin-off from one of the UK’s most watched dramas Death in Paradise. Filming next year, the s
- The BBC will air Return to Paradise, a new Australia-set spin-off from one of the UK’s most watched dramas Death in Paradise. Filming next year, the
- Kongpope and Diew are half-brothers. At first, they get along but rivalry rises between them when they fall in love with the same girl. Kongpope和Di
- A young artist wakes up in a life that she doesn't recognize, spending her time asleep haunted by nightmares of drowning in a black abysmal void. As
- 侦探艾索·福里(艾迪·墨菲饰)回到了比佛利山庄。在女儿的生命受到威胁后,她(泰勒·佩姬饰)和福里与新搭档(约瑟夫·高登-莱维特饰)、老朋友比利·罗斯伍德(祖德·莱茵霍尔德饰)和约翰·塔格特(约翰·阿什顿饰)联手,掀起了一场风波,揭露了一个阴谋。
11影片是《X》《珀尔》的续集。1985年,在德州农场的血腥屠杀五年后,从成人电影界窜起、满怀抱负的女演员玛克辛(米娅·高斯 Mia Goth 饰)搬去洛杉矶,终于取得事业的重大突破。但当一名专挑好莱坞年轻艺人痛下毒手的神秘罪犯开始横行街头时,玛克辛的黑暗过去也可能将因此被揭露。血腥列车
13开心出游,小心搭上人生殁班车… 为了庆祝自己癌症好转,月儿(哈娜普林蒂娜 饰)邀请妹妹小花(札拉莱奥拉 饰)一同前往深山渡假村散心。当她们搭上直达渡假村的「桑卡拉列车」时,恐怖怪事接踵而至,火车监视器惊见骇人异象。更可怕的是,每次经过隧道,就有一节车厢惨遭血腥浩劫,接着消失不见…. 隧道内藏了- 灯红酒绿声色犬马的芭堤雅,底层警察甲差为了挣钱,决定帮黑帮分子赛门押运一箱黄金抵达芭堤雅。女算命师阿枝得知消息,她精心设局,决定来个黑吃黑,为此她找来前黑帮分子托德,不料托德拒绝加入,于是阿枝再设死局,一场猎杀在行动之后渐次展开。