1为了赢得一场真人秀比赛,一群孩子同意探索一所废弃的房子,这要求他们证明邪恶的坤蒂拉娜的故事是真实的。然而他们很快发现…- A story about a beautiful street musician suffering from memory loss and a disheartened neuroscientist intent on helping her, bringing together the ci
- 在位于阿帕拉契山脉的乡间小镇地底下,有座已燃烧数十年的废弃煤矿。一支研究小队前往该地试图找出当年矿坑起火燃烧的原因,却意外挖掘出更令人吃惊的恐怖秘密……
1Flight / Risk follows everyday people who find themselves in the midst of a global tragedy when two Boeing 737 Max planes crashed only five months apa- 故事的两位男主角,是年轻有为的厨师伊万(阿曼多·埃斯皮蒂亚饰),和颇具魅力的出柜教师格拉多(克里斯蒂安·巴斯克斯饰),在墨西哥意外邂逅之后,两人一拍即合展开一段冒险旅程,进而拉开跨越数十年的史诗爱情故事的序幕。
1After unhitching her camper at a lakeside in the mountains, Faye finds her rhythm cooking meals, retrieving crawfish from a trap, and scanning her old奸杀犯
1When three women are brutally murdered in four nights, private detective John Duval, ex-lieutenant commander in Naval Intelligence, finds himself the