- Enormous tree trunks. The nature of leaves, the roots of desire and a house hidden deep in the forest. A journey to the other side. Something like a &
17A young man is temporarily home from a Seminary, but eventually falls in love with his father's young new wife.- 维恩(罗伯特·德尼罗RobertDeNiro饰)是警局里的采证专家,个性温和而又善良的他从来不会在犯罪现场开枪,每当遇到对峙,他总会选择智取而非武力。一场意外中,维恩认识了黑社会老大法兰克(比尔·默瑞BillMurray饰),法兰克对于维恩的智慧十分的赞赏,一来二去之中,两人成为了好友。为了报答维恩
19托马斯(Rafael Cardoso 饰)刚出生时,好几个星期双眼仍旧紧闭,身为医护人员的母亲认为,只要孩子准备好,便会自己睁开眼。而最先映入托马斯眼帘的,便是比自己大6岁、同母异父的哥哥弗朗西斯科(Jocatilde Gabriel Vasconcellos 饰)。那一眼,似乎注定了两人无悔的爱情- After years of being friendly with her little ghosts, Risa begins to feel that she must have a normal life like other women. Especially now Risa has
1伯努瓦·雅克将执导[卡萨诺瓦](Casanova,暂译)。他将联合杰罗米·博若尔、尚塔尔·托马打造剧本。该片卡司包括文森特·林顿、斯塔西·马汀、瓦莱丽亚·戈利诺、安东尼萨桑·杰苏萨桑。故事围绕意大利有着冒险精神,同时还追求女色的“花花公子”卡萨诺瓦展开。该片三四月法国、英国等地开拍。- Chronicles the life of a new stepfamily that meets up every weekend. But when the father gets into a relationship with a new partner, the weekends t
1Ferit Aslan (Can Yaman) is a very successful businessman, and is空谷芳草